Morshead Home

Morshead Home for Veterans and Aged Persons has a commitment to storytelling and initiatives that foster positive approaches to ageing.

Morshead Home's CEO Nikki VanDiemen sees storytelling as offering "an important therapeutic role in improving the health and wellbeing of ageing veterans and residents living in aged care."

The early impetus to record residents' stories grew from the work of a volunteer who assisted ageing veterans' in tracing their service history. As a result,  Director of Care, Mary Beveridge pursued an interest in  recording residents' anecdotes to tape as the preciousness of these stories became apparent.

In late 2007 Magella Blinksell a journalist with an interest in community storytelling and oral history commenced an extensive 'embedded'  interviewing process at Morshead Home, editing and producing sets of archival CDs  for the project.