Special Thanks to Our Participants

A TRACK WINDING BACK thanks and honours the 20 residents who participated in the project. By sharing their reflections on life, war, peace, love, change, ageing and learning - their stories are now interlinked with our own. Unwound, retold and shared with new generations, these stories offer us a connection to our past, encouragement in our joys and difficulties, and lasting counsel.

The project archives accounts of learning to loop-the-loop in a Tiger moth, an insider’s view of the refrigeration and liquor trade in King’s Cross nightclubs, memories of a water ski club on Lake George, residents’ recollections of the mini-sub attacks on Sydney Harbour and an account of working for Prime Minister Gorton. And more!

Each participant in the project received two CDs - one for themselves, another for family or friends, while a copy was archived in the Morshead Library. Each CD includes its own CD booklet, bringing together historical photos, a description of the recording, and selected digital images taken during the interviewing process.

A set of recordings is earmarked for deposit with a national archival institution.

This blog brings excerpts to a wider online audience - and allows residents to share their stories and experiences with family and friends, while allowing staff members and volunteers at Morshead Home to engage further in the project and build on conversation with residents.