Governor-General's Launch of A Track Winding Back

The Governor-General Quentin Bryce AC declared herself a 'huge fan' of A TRACK WINDING BACK at the launch of Stage II, a weblog sampler of CD recordings, at Morshead Home for Veterans and Aged Persons on March 11, 2009.

" The project brilliantly captures so much of its generous remit: the memories of our veteran servicemen and women - in themselves priceless; recorded and preserved - not only as keepsakes but as invaluable pieces of our national heritage, shared with coming generations in contemporary and accessible ways," Her Excellency said.
These things are so important for connecting our past and present, knitting our community together and honouring our elders but the project has another dimension too. I know that you discovered, while opening up the treasure-boxes, that in their telling they opened hearts and souls, bringing healing, wholeness and freshness to the tellers.

My friends, this is a profound truth about our human nature. Stories ... weave together our origins and experience; they tells us uniquely, and collectively, who we are."