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A Track Winding Back
A Track Winding Back: Morshead Home's Oral History and Reminiscence ProjecT
Track Back on a Sydney Double Decker!
Relive those nostalgic sights and sounds of 'Old Uncle Guss' pulling out for a fare ride to Wynyard.
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Launch of A Track Winding Back
Her Excellency The Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC shares a moment with A TRACK WINDING BACK participant and WWII pilot, Mr Colin Fereday OAM and A TRACK WINDING BACK's volunteer project co-ordinator
Links We Like
ACT Heritage Library
ACT Memorial Stories - Who Shot the Red Baron
Along The Road To Gundagai - Sung by Peter Dawson
Alzheimer's Association - Digital Storytelling Clip, ACMI
Back to the Cross - The SMH writes after Abe Saffron's death
Bloggings & the Internet - Keeping Brains Young?
Canberra City Band
Eden In Oz - coverage of A Track Winding Back
Eden Philosophy in aged care
Erol Flynn - Swoon!
Film Scavenging, Mashups & and Preservation
History of Australian Nurses and Medical Staff
Indigenous Dreaming Stories from the Beginning of Time
Inside The Roosevelt Club - Birthday Party Pix
Local Digital Storytelling - Tuggeranong Arts Centre
Manuka Pool
Map of Leichhardt
Music Australia - SEARCH site for Old Songs
National Archives of Australia
National Library of Australia
National Library of Australia - Oral History Search
Night of Gala Storytelling at the Wheeler Centre
Our Albert Hall
Paper Dolls Australian Pinups of World War 2 SBS DVD
RAAFA newletter
Sea Pools as Memorials
Stand To - Coverage of A Track Winding Back Launch 2009
Storytelling Week 2009
Technology and Ageing - Books
The Last Hundred Yards - An amazing documentary of our elders
Womens Service in WWII
World Story Telling Day