Kuala Lumpur in the Fifties and Sixties!

To hear Billie's recollection of KL and Singapore, and the help of an ama in raising four boys while Douglas was posted to Malaysia as a pilot and trainer, click here: http://www.archive.org/details/AustralianAirmansWifeRecallsKualaLumpurC1950
Billie's vivid recollection of  Kuala Lumpur in the late Fifties - 'not a skyscraper in sight' and of locals wearing traditional cheongsams, saris and kebayas inspired this search for old footage of KL- pictured here in this view, just a few years on...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96CUt-_i-kA&feature=PlayList&p=EF0C03E544562464&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=10

Note the dazzling Moorish inspired  architecture of Central Station - holding many a travellers' and expats' memories of arriving from Singapore via Johore Baru. And here's a trip across the causeway to Singapore wet markets circa 1960 :

Contrast a ride on Jalan Ampang now!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6igkbFbTC2s&feature=fvwType