Leichhardt: Shoes, Sixpence Cinema tickets and The Great Depression

To hear Rita travel back to her childhood stomping grounds in Leichhardt and Petersham.http://www.archive.org/details/DepressionYearsInLeichhardtsydneyShoemaking

Rita tracks back up Norton street and  to her father's shoemaking shop in Crystal street. Full of memories of school, the Malborough Picture Theatre and Mum taking action at the Council Chambers during the Great Depression. Click  on :  http://www.archive.org/details/LeichhardtPetershamsydneyLifeC1930

Click here for 'Hard Times on the Track': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NolbgrfF4U8&NR=1

To discover more about Australia's movie theatre history in the 1930's  http://www.theatreorgans.com/southerncross/General%20History/Gen%20Hist%20Pt%206%20-%20into%20the%20depresssion.htmType