New Place Names and Far from Home

For Australian servicemen World War II meant deployment to far off  locations at a time when few ordinary Australians  had the means or opportunity to travel overseas. Those serviceman who came home returned  with  experiences of  distant and 'exotic' places and cultures; something that from this current vantage point of a globalized world we often fail to see as ground breaking.

Click on the link to sail out of Sydney with Kevin into  a new world - as he throws a message in a bottle overboard to his wife:

There's an eyewitness account of everyday life in Palestine, a view of  life on the Nile and Kevin's observations on  'El Alamein';  a place name no-one back home had heard of until it became historically engraved as a significant  turning point in World War II.

Kevin's  excerpt brings home what it must have been like to  travel as a young serviceman and  to then return home with a head full of these experiences back to a suburban life in Australia.  This was, we have to remember, an Australia yet to experience global backpacking, mass tourism, trips to Bali, let alone  'gap' years!

To 'contrast and compare' the coverage of a British newsreel on Australian's arrival in Egypt in WWII: